Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Brick :The Human Killer

Brick :The Human Killer

Brick producing is that the fastest-growing industrial sector in several countries (like china, India, East Pakistan and Pakistan) and among the highest 3 sectors, at the side of vehicle exhaust and re suspended road dirt, adding to the air contamination and medical problems in Dacca (Bangladesh). Brick producing industry is creating negative impact on Air Quality, agriculture as brick is made from clay, forest(needs lots of wood to burn).

There is no spot in Dhaka city where individuals can inhale clean air. About 33 million people die every year in the world due to air pollution. About 75 per cent of these deaths are due to heart attacks and the remaining 25 per cent for pulmonary diseases. Air pollution levels are highest in Asia. India is at the top of the pollution chart, and Bangladesh has taken over the next position. According to a report from the Health Effects Institute, there are 1,220,400 people dying in Bangladesh annually due to air pollution. Pollution, from the brick kilns is spreading around Dhaka city. There are more than 4,500 brick kilns around Dhaka. As a result, the air becomes full with pollutants. According to the Department of Environment, brick kilns causes 58 per cent of air pollution in Dhaka (2017).

There are about 12,000 brick-making companies in Bangladesh. Most of the brick kilns are working in the dry season when the amount of pollution is also high. Generally, half a million ton of clay is required to make one million bricks which come from the fertile soil or topsoil. The topsoil has all the ingredients needed for the crop nourishment and it takes hundreds of years to replenish. Although burning wood is legally prohibited yet wood, charcoal, fuel oil and even used tires are burned in brick kilns. Again, to burn one million bricks nearly 20 tons of coal is required. In our country, tree plantation is a kind of social movement, but we are not getting any benefit due to huge burning of woods from the forest. Burning wood and coal produce dust, carbon monoxide, sulfur and nitrogen oxides which pollute the atmosphere. Due to dust and high level of pollution, nearby trees get killed and vision of eye sights decrease.

It has been unconcealed that biomass is accountable for the emission of each trace and non trace gases like dioxide (CO2), gas (CH4) and oxides of N (NOx) from ancient brick industries and plenty of noxious fumes containing suspended particulate matters wealthy in carbon particles and high concentration of CO and SOx get created.
If we search in the google, we will see top 20 of the  most air polluted cities are from ASIA specially from India, China, Bangladesh & Pakistan. One of the Major source of this pollution is "Brick Industry".

Monday, August 19, 2019

Abstain from THE Air Conditioner

Abstain from THE Air Conditioner

Many people can assume what i am saying. "Eliminate the AC"!!! expensive readers i do know that, AC is today a vital factor specially within the countries wherever temperature remains terribly high throughout Summer e.g. Middle eastern countries, South American countries, sub-continetal contries etc.
Nowadays even in Europe temperature rises to forty degree celcius. It has currently become a trend to put in cooling either within the homes or within the offices.
But nobody is considering it's dangerous effects. cooling is inflicting global climate change and different negative effects.
Increasing demand for home air-con driven by warming, growth and rising incomes in developing countries may increase the planet's temperatures a further  a degree Centigrade by the top of the century, in keeping with a replacement report by the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Bad effects of cooling on the setting

  • It releases CFC(Cloro Fluro Carbon) that is damaging our ozonosphere. gas could be a gas within the atmosphere that protects everything living on the planet from harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the Sun. while not the layer of gas within the atmosphere, it'd be terribly troublesome for love or money to survive on the surface.
  • Several of today's air conditioners use hydro-fluorocarbons (HFCs), coolants that area unit fugacious climate pollutants that may leak into the atmosphere at the top of associate air conditioner's helpful life once the devices area unit destroyed. HFCs stay within the atmosphere for a median of fourteen years and area unit about one,000 to 3,000 times firmer than dioxide as a gas.
  • Another dangerous effects is Electricity consumption by the cooling. Still abundant of station relies on Coal that releases carbon inflicting warming.
  • It has has some dangerous effects on health(e.g.skin problem). thus we should always eliminate the cooling from our life if we wish a less contaminated setting. i do know it will not happen i long. however if we tend to begin to decrease dependency on cooling from currently, sooner or later it will disappear from our life.
Source: https://www.ecomena.org/air-conditioning-negative-impacts-on-environment/ 

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Brick :The Human Killer

Brick :The Human Killer Brick producing is that the fastest-growing industrial sector in several countries (like china, India, Ea...

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